Jewels From JudyMonday, December 16 2013
While journaling, I apologized to the Lord for thinking about all I had to do. I had actually stopped writing in my journal so I could make a list of errands. This is what He said: “Your days are filled with things ‘to do’ and it is good for you to be organized, but remember Who made time. If you want to make the most of what time you’ve been given, come and spend some of it with Me first. I will bless and multiply what you need as I Am the Author of time! “There are things you do and things that happen which are out of your control, and these steal your time. When you start your day with Me, I can impart My timing, answers and direction. Stop chasing your tail like a silly dog that doesn’t know better! Come and allow Me to take you higher. I will give you what you need for not only this day but also what is needed for the days ahead. I Am a good Abba. I will help you in all your ways; I will direct your path.” If this ministry has been a blessing to you, please pray about working in partnership with The Father’s Love Int’l. It is the hope of this ministry to touch the nations with God’s love by preaching the Gospel, sharing prophetic words, feeding the hungry and healing the sick. You can see what we have done and what our hearts long to accomplish at You may contribute online by credit card through PayPal (monthly options are available). Click on “Donate” at the left of the screen, or send a check or money order to: The Father’s Love Int’l Ministries Please keep us in prayer. May you be blessed in the Father’s love! Sincerely your sister and co-laborer in Christ Jesus, Wednesday, November 06 2013
There is Purpose in the Process! Today I was reading a post on facebook about what David did while “waiting” to be king. Thinking on the life and times of King David, and about the processes he went through long before being crowned king, I can’t help but think about “the process” we must go through in life before the promises of God are fulfilled. Many of us who belong to the Lord are going through a time of transition. Like in birthing, it is a narrow and uncomfortable place to be. Pregnancy is a great example for us because we know that if a woman gives birth too early (even though she may be ready for it to be over) the baby will have difficulties surviving. So it is with the promises of God. Maybe you are waiting to hear a specific prophetic word for your life to give you direction. Perhaps you have had a prophetic word spoken over you that has not come to pass. Some of you may be so tired of receiving prophetic words that haven’t come to fruition, that if you hear one more, you will gag. However, it is important to remember David was anointed king long before actually becoming king. He wisely trusted in God’s timing and did not try to usurp King Saul’s authority. How many of us would have believed that after being anointed king by the prophet, it would be fulfilled immediately? At the very least – much sooner than it was! But here is what we must remember: David spent a lot of time alone in the wilderness tending sheep and worshipping God. He was used to waiting; he was used to seeking God’s face. The question is, are we? Have we received a promise but have our own timing in mind? I can’t help but think of Abraham having to wait all those years for his promise of a son to come to pass…but that is another story! The question is – what will we do while we’re waiting? In the Father’s Love Rev. Judy Bauman Thursday, June 06 2013
An Exhortation from the Father: Declare My Glory: "My law is perfect and it will revive your soul. My statutes can be trusted altogether and will make even the simplest person wise. Righteous are the precepts I have given you and in keeping them you will produce peaceable fruit that remains. My precepts will give your heart joy as you walk in their fullness. Your eyes will shine forth in the darkness when you obey My commands. Walk in the pureness of the fear of the Lord as it is the beginning of wisdom. I will teach you," says the Lord your God, "that My love endures forever. I will teach you that the fear of the Lord keeps you in wisdom forever." "My ordinances are sure, true, righteous, and holy; you will do well to walk in them with all your heart. My laws, My precepts, My ordinances, My statutes, My commands have been put into place by My hand and are given you so you can walk in them by My Spirit. They will protect you and keep you safe in My love. "I Am your Rock. I Am your Redeemer." Scriptures to Ponder: Ministry Note: The Father’s Love Int’l Ministries May you be blessed in the Father’s love! Sincerely your sister and co-laborer in Christ Jesus, Friday, May 31 2013
An Exhortation from the Heart of the Father to Yours: A Door of Hope for My Body “Precious One, yes, you are My Precious One. Please give ear to what I Am about to say. Consider your body – the human body. Look at all its working parts. Each and every part of your physical body affects the rest of your body. “Look at a body that is in top physical condition and behold its beauty. Behold the skill of the Craftsman who created it! Every organ, every muscle, every tendon works together with one goal in mind. The skeletal structure is perfect from the largest bones in the leg to the tiniest ones found in the ear. Every single body part is important. “While there are some body parts you can survive without, if given the choice would you not choose fullness? Even the stubbing of your little toe can cause you excruciating pain and in that moment the importance of that body part comes to the forefront of your mind. There are an endless number of examples I could give you, Beloved, of how your body hurts when one part hurts or malfunctions. Many of you have living examples in your own bodies, as well as in others around you, to know that given a choice you desire good health. You know that each body part is in agreement so that you can function in your daily life. It is clear that when the body is functioning the way I designed it, this is the most desirable state to be in. This concept is simple. “Illness, disease, defects and injures can keep you from accomplishing your dreams and goals, so generally you do what you know is best for your body to live your life optimally. Sometimes, and more often in wealthier regions of the world, a person will give in to their body’s demands and cause themselves to become unhealthy. Addictions to drugs and alcohol as well as food and mind-numbing activities that keep the body sedentary commonly hold My body hostage. This happens when a person refuses to listen to their spirit and instead listen to their flesh, so multiple addictions are often the result! This causes a number of breakdowns in the body – both immediately and in the years to come if the flesh continues to get its desires. “So it is with My Body – the Body of Christ. My Body has many parts and they are all designed to work together. Many of you do not know why you are hurting so deeply. You do not know why you crave the things that are not good for you. The struggle in My Body is at an all time high because there are so many parts all over the world that are hurting and wounded and ill and addicted. “Church, allow Me to take you out from what you have been doing. Give Me a short season in your life to make some adjustments. I Am the Master Surgeon and I can heal you and bring you back into perfect health. You can again be a body that enjoys health and beauty. Give Me this season to teach you and lead you. As My Body comes to Me for healing, then I will place you anew in the Body of Christ. “Come into the wilderness with Me and I will speak comfort to you. I will give you food and drink that will not draw you to itself but to Me. Come anchor yourself to Me and I will keep you from going adrift in the tempest. I will open to you a Door of Hope and beckon you in, but it is you who are given the choice whether or not to come inside. “My beautiful Body is battered and it is My desire to heal you and make you whole. I long to answer Jesus’ prayer that His own would be as one as He is one with His Holy Father. It is My desire for the Body to have their joy fulfilled, that you would be kept from the evil one, for you to be consecrated by My truth, that you would be sanctified by My Word, and for you to be one as I Am in Jesus and He is in Me. We want you in US so that the world will believe.” Scripture References: Master Surgeon: Tuesday, March 05 2013
The Cocoon About a year after surrendering my life to the Lord, I was sitting in my room when all at once I saw a white scroll roll half way down the top, right corner of the wall. This scene played on it like a movie: I saw a man who was distraught and weeping bitterly. He was bent down on one knee and his face was buried in his hands as he wept bitterly. He writhed in grief, despair and self-loathing. His sobs were heart-wrenching. I felt desperate to help him, but I didn’t know what to do. Suddenly, a hand appeared above him holding out a Bible. The man looked up in his broken state and with hope in his eyes he reached up and accepted the gift being offered to him. As he opened the Book, the words came off the pages like silk thread. The beautiful strand began to wrap around the man and encircled him until I couldn’t see anything but a large white cocoon. The cocoon was very still for a period of time. Then it slowly began to rock back and forth, and soon there was more and more movement. I could tell there was a struggle going on inside. The cocoon began to split and then suddenly it tore open. A huge butterfly adorned in stunning, heavenly colors came bursting out; it quickly flew across the room in front of me and out my window! It was bigger, more vibrant, exquisite and beautiful than anything I could have ever imagined. I looked back at the screen in the right corner of my room hoping for an instant replay, but the scroll rolled up and disappeared. This experience spoke deeply to me. The silk thread is symbolic of how God’s word can ‘cocoon’ and transform us from a wretched state of being to a new creation. The butterfly represents our being reborn of the Holy Spirit and our ability to take flight in Him. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17 This is not possible without having a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus and accepting the gift offered to us by the Father. When we receive Jesus, the word made flesh, as our Savior we have promises that the Father will fulfill in us. Like the butterfly, our transformation is unmistakable! And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Romans 12:2 Without God’s Spirit working to transform us, we are broken, naked, wretched, miserable, poor, blind and lost. When we allow ourselves to be transformed by His word, we become whole, clothed, joyful, loved, and rich with wisdom and hope! Until we come to that broken place, we can never know how much we truly need God. When the Word of God is opened up to a broken heart, then the Lord can make miraculous changes in even the most miserable of souls. His Word will accomplish the purpose for which He sent it. “Therefore, if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.” John 8:36 It takes time to make a transition into a life IN CHRIST, but the beauty of being a new creation is worth the struggle that occurs on the inside of the ‘cocoon’. Without the struggle, the butterfly, like us, would not be made strong enough to take flight. As we invest in other people’s lives by ‘handing’ them a Bible in God’s timing, may we bring the transforming power of the Father’s love into their lives. It is well worth it to invest our own resources to get Bibles into the hands of those who need it. “For where your treasure is, there your heart will also be.” Luke 12:34 Will we be ready and willing to give what is needed to bring the Father’s prodigals home when they have ‘come to themselves’? If we do, we might just see the transforming power of God’s cocoon! Scriptures to Ponder: Tuesday, January 01 2013
“Where there is evil there will be more, but in righteousness and justice My word will stand forever. Do not look to the right or to the left, and do not call conspiracy what most call conspiracy. Painting by Akiane called "Prince of Peace" |