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Jewels From Judy

Thursday, April 22 2021

Jewels from Judy: The Eyes of My Heart
Judy A Bauman


“Child when you look into the eyes of My heart, you will only see My love and devotion towards you. If you look for condemnation, you won’t find it. If you are feeling condemned, come! Come look into the eyes of My heart and see yourself the way I see you.

“I ask you to guard your heart for out of it flows the issues of life. You have an enemy and he is the accuser of the brethren. So if the voice of condemnation is moving you, know that it is a voice that moves you away from My perfect love for you.

“Perfect love casts out fear, beloved, so allow My perfect love to cast out that fear and condemning voice. Stand in My holy light and allow Me to shine through the darkness. Let My love break down what walls you have built. Those walls do not protect you. They keep you from trusting Me.

“Allow Me to be your protection. I Am your Shield and Strength. I Am well able to keep you in My care. Trust Me, follow Me, invite Me to be with you. I will never forsake you. Look into the eyes of My heart,” says the Lord your God, “and see that My love for you is complete for all seasons.”


Scriptures to ponder:
Songs 2:10; Romans 8:1; 37; Proverbs 4:23; Revelation 12:10; Matthew 5:14; John 8:12; 2 Corinthians 4:6; Psalm 18:2, 122:7; 2 Peter 3:14; Hebrews 13:5

Note: Recently, I found this word in an old journal dated Jan 21, 2007, one month before launching The Father’s Love Int’l Ministries, Inc! It was earmarked at that time to be posted but was overlooked. I pray it and the Scripture references are a blessing to you. jb

Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 08:43 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, March 28 2021


Judy A Bauman

Sitting with the Lord I hear His still small voice say, “There is something I have been longing to tell you.” While I am pleased to hear His voice, this comment tells me that I have not been paying attention to Him as I should. I apologize for being so distracted by life and He immediately acknowledges my apology and answers, “It is the scheme of the enemy to distract and dissuade My people.”

The word “dissuade” jumped out at me, so I looked it up in the dictionary. It means: “To persuade someone not to take a particular course of action.” I found the synonyms very insightful too. To discourage, prevent, deter, hinder, caution, divert, restrain, turn away, disincline, to make difficult, to warn, to alert, to be unwilling, to advise, to admonish, to frustrate, to act as an obstacle.

The Lord continued, “Remember, your enemy reverts back to what has worked in the past to discourage and dissuade My people from My purposes. I have given you each My inexhaustible power, My everlasting, all-encompassing, approving love, and a sound and well-balanced mind – the mind of Christ. I have given My people, who are called by My name, the ability to go into a battle knowing they have already won.

“This is what the apostle Paul meant when he wrote that you are, ‘more than conquerors,’ and you are more than conquerors because you can go into a battle knowing you have already won. You win because I love you.”

Your Ever-present Help in times of trouble

Scripture References:
Ephesians 6:10-13; Second Timothy 1:7; First Corinthians 2:16; Second Chronicles 7:14, Romans 8:37

Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 05:23 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, March 09 2021


Judy A Bauman


As I sought the Lord, I heard, “I love to hear you come in worship, but I want you to know you are not required to ‘perform’ for Me. Do you understand? My love for you is not based on your performance. Your works do not save you, but your works done out of obedience to Me gives honor and glory for My kingdom’s good.

“I am making a new wine, and I want you to drink of it. This will not be something at all in conflict with My word, but it will be in conflict with what My church has been doing. Many are excited that I am doing a new thing, but unless they press into Me and hear My Spirit, they will actually reject what I am doing. I appreciate when My beloved ones are deliberate and intentional to lean into Me and hear what I have to say.”


Your Abba

Ministry Note: If "Jewels from Judy" are a blessing to you, please consider The Father’s Love Int’l in your giving. I am looking for 5 people to stand with me in 2021 and give $10 a month. This will cover my monthly website costs. Thank you for your thoughtful consideration.
In the Father’s love,
Judy A Bauman

Journal date March 7, 2021

Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 11:49 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, February 27 2021

Jewels from Judy: Arise and Fulfill Your Destiny
Judy A Bauman

“The church’s voice has come into agreement with the schemes of her enemy by speaking his lies over America rather than My truth. The hopelessness of My people comes from the lack of faith in Me and the price I was willing to pay for them to be in communion with Me.

“If My people would sit and be still, (the words most hate to hear because the world’s busyness demands their attention) then they would hear from heaven and I would, as promised, heal their land. It is ‘My people who are called by My name’ that need to humble themselves, seek My face, turn from their wicked ways, then I will fulfill what is written. I urge you to urge others to seek My face and hear My plans, not man’s. You are in the world, but not of it.

“Arise, My children! Arise in the love and well-being of your Father. Arise in My peace. Arise in My goodness and the bold meekness of My strength. Arise and fulfill your destiny in this day and hour.”

Your loving Abba


Original post link:

Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 11:23 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, February 25 2021

Jewels from Judy: Honoring Queen Esther Purim 2021

Judy A Bauman

The Jewish celebration of Purim begins at sunset February 25, 2021, and goes to nightfall February 26, 2021. Purim is considered their most joyful holiday, but it is truly for all God’s people to remember how He brought Esther to a place of honor for the purpose of saving all the Israelites of her day. In our Christian walk, we should recognize that, like Esther, we are indeed alive, called, and placed where we are by God. We are here “for such a time as this!”

In 2006, when the Lord gave me this word as a simple way to share Esther’s story, there was a specific political issue occurring that He addressed. That has been omitted from this post.

This is what He said:
“Hear O Church! Arise and walk in the spirit of Esther! Beloved, you are to look at Queen Esther's example in her dealing with Haman to know how to deal with this treacherous spirit. Those who seek to destroy My people have a spirit like Haman.

“Go to this book, beloved. Esther was a type and a shadow for you to follow. You are My lovely chosen and beloved ones. You are the one who can turn My head with your beauty and your grace. Come and ask of Me now. Purify yourselves and come into My chambers. I will make known to you how to pray. The Book of Esther is a love story that I gave you for instruction!

“Haman thought he was so great that all should bow down to him. When My servant Mordecai refused to bow before him, it made him furious. Haman learned Mordecai was Jewish. He sought to kill all Jews because of his hatred for Mordecai. He wanted to purge the world of My people because one man refused to bow to him. So he went to the king of Persia, King Ahasuerus, and received the king's permission to write letters to the entire empire stating the Jewish people were to be utterly annihilated. His empire had 127 provinces and stretched from India to Ethiopia.

“When Mordecai learned of the plot to destroy the Jews, he tore his clothes and cried out in sackcloth and ashes. He got word to Esther that even in the palace she would not be able to escape this evil. Then he relayed the famous words, ‘Who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this.’ The Jews all fasted and prayed for Esther to be accepted into the king's inner court so that he would intervene on their behalf. After the third day, Esther put on her royal robes and in her beautiful and gracious way came to present herself to the king. The king's response to her was one of delight.

“Hear MY CHURCH! The king was delighted in her! He loved her and was so taken by her beauty he not only offered her his golden scepter but also up to half his kingdom!

“Esther, in My wisdom, did not yet speak what was in her troubled heart. She only asked the king and Haman to a banquet that she had prepared. As they enjoyed themselves, the king inquired of her petition. Her only request was for him and Haman to return the second night and she would set another banquet before them. Haman had no clue what was awaiting him.

“He left that feast on top of the world, but when he saw Mordecai, who refused to bow, Haman's blood boiled within him. He was so filled with hatred that he commissioned gallows 75 feet high to be built, on which Mordecai was to be hanged on the following day.

“However, the king's heart was stirred that very night and he could not sleep. He asked for the book of records to be read and was reminded of Mordecai's loyalty to inform the king of a plot against his life. The king realized his oversight and sought to honor Mordecai and brought Haman in the next day to inquire ‘what tribute should be paid to a loyal man who pleased the king?’

“Haman smugly thought the king was speaking of him. He counseled King Ahasuerus that in every manner this man should be honored! He suggested a royal robe, a royal horse, and a royal crown, all of which had been used by the king to be placed on the man. He added that one of the king's noblemen should escort him through the streets and shout before him saying, ‘This is what is done for the man the king delights to honor!’ All this Haman suggested fully expecting he was to be the recipient; however, he soon learned his enemy, Mordecai, was to receive that honor! The king announced that Haman was not only the one to carry out ALL he had recommended, but he was the one who would herald Mordecai the Jew throughout the city square!

“Haman obeyed and did as the king commanded, but afterward, he hung his head in utter humiliation and rushed to return home to hide his shame. Just that quickly he was summoned for the second dinner with Queen Esther where the king asked for her petition. She beseeched King Ahasuerus to spare her people from utter slaughter and annihilation. When he demanded to know who was so reprehensible to do such a thing, the Queen told him it was Haman.

“The king left the room in anger and when he returned, he found Haman falling on the couch where his beloved queen sat. When the king saw him, he was enraged and ordered Haman to be hung immediately on the very gallows he had built for Mordecai! His 10 sons later followed him to that end.
“Unfortunately, the king’s edict to annihilate the Jews could not be reversed. The only way to stop the slaughter to come was to write another decree to circumvent it. Read what is recorded in the book of Esther and pay close attention to what has been emphasized:”

8:2 So the king took off his signet ring, which he had taken from Haman, and gave it to Mordecai; and Esther appointed Mordecai over the house of Haman.

8:8 You yourselves write a decree concerning the Jews, as you please, in the king's name, and seal it with the king's signet ring; for whatever is written in the king's name and sealed with the king's signet ring no one can revoke.
8:7 Then King Ahasuerus said to Queen Esther and Mordecai the Jew, "Indeed, I have given Esther the house of Haman, and they have hanged him on the gallows because he tried to lay his hand on the Jews.

“Make haste. Pray for the triumph of Esther and Mordecai to sweep through the Middle East and to the end of the world. Write and declare My word. Pray for the peace of My city, Jerusalem! Write it and seal it with the signet ring, the authority I give you through Christ Jesus. My third day has come, and you may come boldly to My inner court to the Throne of Grace! The golden scepter is extended. You say to Me, ‘Lord, Come quickly!’ But I say to you, ‘Esther, My Bride, My Church, My Beloved, COME QUICKLY!’"


Posted by: AT 03:40 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, February 05 2021


Three years ago today, my second book, Jewels from the Harvest, was published! The date of publication was such a surprise. God did something through it that has had a significant and powerful impact on me! The date coincides with the tragic date my father passed away. This “gift” from the Lord God took a date, February 5th, one the enemy used to torment me, and turned it into a significant blessing. He is so good!

On top of that, February 12th is the 24th Anniversary of surrendering my life to the Lord! (That testimony can be read here:
ON TOP OF THAT, it is the 14th Anniversary of The Father’s Love Int’l Ministries, Inc on February 20th!

So to celebrate, I am offering both of my books, which retail for $14.99 for only $10 each. They can be purchased individually or together. In Jewels from the River and Jewels from the Harvest, I chronicle encounters that reveal both a personal, engaging side of Jesus, as well as He majestic sovereignty! In these books, I represent you. I represent the ekklesia. I represent the Body of Christ. So I hope you will come and join the Lord with me at the River – where deep calls unto deep and see what He has to say!

Find the Anniversary offer, as well as the very special endorsements at this link.

Judy A Bauman


Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 10:37 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, January 31 2021

Judy A Bauman

“You have seen many things this past year that have been alarming, but I want you to rest in Me. Seek My face, My counsel, and My wisdom. Remember that I am with you to the end of the age. Be at peace, knowing I Am with you and will never leave nor forsake you.

“When people do what is right in their own eyes, wickedness abounds. It can be seen paraded daily on the news, which is why I counsel you to guard your heart and turn your attention to Me. The poison on display is toxic to your soul. I am not saying to bury your head in the sand, but you must guard your heart for out of it flows the issues of life. Continue to pray to guard your heart without hardening it.

“Listen for My voice, and I will give you more strategies for prayer. Pray in the Spirit and with understanding as I give it. The days are evil, and it is vital to stay vigilant by My Spirit. I urge you to be a doer of My word. Speak life over yourself and others, and allow My light to shine in this great darkness.

“Be quick, My dear one, to recognize when small matters seek to become big ones and don’t give them power over you. Be on guard and ask yourself what conversation, comment, or subject is worth discussing in the light of eternity. Ask yourself if your words bring life. Are they drawing those around you into My loving embrace? Will your words cause those who are lost to come to repentance so that I can redeem them? I caution you to build on the Rock, not sand.”

Lovingly yours,
Abba Father

Scriptures to consider:
Jeremiah 29:13; Judges 21:25; Hebrews 13:5; Proverbs 4:29; Romans 8:26; James 1:22; Joel 2:13; Matthew 7:24 ~

Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 07:40 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, January 29 2021


Judy A Bauman

“Come and sit and allow Me to renew your mind concerning the days that are ahead. Pay close attention as I teach you.

“Jesus said, ‘Because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. But he who endures to the end shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.’”

“Child, the church will and already is growing cold with a great coldness. It is largely because many have embraced fiction as Scripture. The Gospel of the Kingdom is not entertainment. It is not escapism. Every time My Son began a story with, ‘The Kingdom of heaven is like...’ He did not share a story of entertainment but that of extremes.

“As in the Days of Noah, so shall be the coming of the Son of Man. Behold darkness covers the earth and gross darkness on the people. My Son and scribes have all warned that as you approach the end of this dispensation there will be perilous times. He also made clear those times would proceed His coming. Did He not? Did He not say that His coming would be for all to see? Does lightning hide itself at its approach?

“When Jesus returns it will be a glorious event, but all who have caused My church to grow cold for false teachings shall be gathered with the tares and burned. My Son's coming shall shock the earth, but it will not be a secret event. Immediately after the tribulation of those perilous days, when the Son of Man appears, He will descend with a shout, the voice of the archangel, and My trumpet will sound.

“Do not be overcome by the darkness or cold love. Be My children of light. Be My children of the day. Do not slumber in laziness and drink the cup of slothfulness, but arise, shine and let My glory be seen upon you.

“As in the days of Noah, My Spirit shall not strive with man forever.”

Adonai Elohei-Tzva’ot – The Lord God of the heavenly hosts


Scripture references:
Gen 7:23; Matt 24:12-14, 27; 13:40; Isaiah 60:1-3; 1 Thes 4:16-17; 2 Tim 3; 2 Peter 3; Jude 16; James 1

This prophetic word was first shared in May of 2009, but the Lord brought it to my attention to post today. He instructed me how to edit it for brevity/clarity. This word currently needs our prayerful consideration.

Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 08:50 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, December 31 2020

Dear Friends of The Father’s Love Int’l Ministries,
All week I have been searching for what to say and how to encourage you in this coming year. Today, as I was unloading groceries, I had the sense to look and see what the Lord said last year in closing out 2019 and going into 2020. I was truly blessed to revisit this encounter with the Lord! What He showed me, as well as what He said, brought me great comfort. I pray it does the same for you.

Jewels from Judy: Waiting for Orders

As of late, I’ve had to wrestle to “be still” in order to settle my mind when seeking the Lord. Honestly, the distractions have been overwhelming, and I’ve felt that I must be a disappointment to God. A couple of days ago, I asked the Father in prayer how to deal with not only my attitude but the continual disruptions (internally as well as externally) while waiting to receive His direction.

I closed my eyes as I prayed and suddenly got a picture of myself on a beach. No one else was around. I threw a rock into the ocean, then sat down and hung my head in discouragement. I felt the Lord’s comforting arm come around me and He said, “Sometimes waiting for the Father’s orders can be stressful, even vexing.” I sensed His kind, compassionate eyes upon me and knew He wouldn’t try to placate me or say that everything is fine the way it is – because it isn’t! I knew that Jesus, by His Spirit, would tell me what I needed to hear.

The Scriptures tell us that Jesus also had to wait, and I imagine it would have been frustrating for Him too, so I asked, “How did you deal with it, Lord?”
He simply stated, “I had a lot of hidden years. Abba Father will wait for at least these two reasons: His perfect timing and your preparation. The prep work is the most important thing you can do as you wait. If it is not done correctly, then the project fails.”

I thought about prep work for a meal or a home-fix-it project. Preparation usually takes the longest time for either, but it is vital to a successful outcome. I also thought about the five foolish virgins in Matthew 25 that failed to prepare for the anticipated bridegroom. Because they hadn’t invested in what was needed, the door to the kingdom was closed to them! The Lord allows me to ponder these scenarios before continuing.

“You are in a different season in life, so don’t get down on yourself that things are not like they once were. I am not upset or disappointed in you. There were some doors of opportunity that you missed, but I am not disappointed in you. Do not allow yourself to be discouraged by the season you are in now. It has been a season of disjointedness for many, but that is ending. Seasons change, and just like in the natural where there are physical signs of that occurring, there are also signs when there are spiritual shifts.” He then prompts me saying, “Come on, I have something to show you!”

I stand up and brush the sand off my clothes and the Lord points and directs my attention up the beach. He asks, “Do you see that?” I squint and ask Him if He means the birds, but He instructs me to look past them. Unfortunately, I don’t see anything but fog, the beach, and the sandpipers running to avoid the waves. We walk in the direction He pointed and suddenly, the tip of a cargo ship begins to come out of the fog and into view! It looks to be traveling toward a nearby harbor.

The Lord explains, “Be encouraged! The cargo this ship carries is provision for My church (ekklesia). Long-awaited provision is coming in and with it a plan for reformation. The Body is disjointed in many ways. That is what you have been sensing and experiencing. It’s painful! It has been a season of disjointedness, but that season is coming to a close. Often, seasonal changes linger like the warm days in fall and winter and the cold days of spring and summer. Sometimes changes are abrupt, but most times there are subtle changes like the position of the sun as the seasons change or watching the hour hand on a clock move. It can be unperceivable like watching hair grow. In time, you do see a big change, but the change itself is a slow process. You will look back on this season and say, ‘I didn’t realize just how much was going on, but now I see it!’”

The large ship is now in full view, and I see it is moored and workers are bustling around unloading the cargo. I understand that it is the Lord’s good pleasure to give us the provision needed (the tools, the resources, other believers to gather around one another) to complete the tasks He’s given us. ~

I pray this short encounter blesses and encourages you.

In the Father’s Love
Judy A Bauman

If this ministry has been a blessing to you, please consider us in your giving. Thank you for your thoughtful consideration.

Matthew 28:18-20 And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”  Amen. ~

Other Scriptures to ponder:
Galatians 4:4; Luke 2:42, 49; 3:23; Hebrews 4:15, Romans 5:3-5; 1 Peter 1:6-8; James 1:2-5


Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 04:03 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, December 22 2020

Jewels from Judy: A Sign From Heaven

What do you think a sign from heaven would look like? Would it be a paraplegic standing and walking? Would it be finding jewels on your living room rug? Would it be a storm reversing itself and missing your house? While all these things could be signs from heaven, I find it interesting that in the story of Christ’s birth, the SIGN from heaven was that the shepherds were going to find a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger. The sign wasn’t the angel of the Lord speaking or the host of angels appearing and singing. We’ve heard the Christmas nativity story so many times that it is easy to gloss over this remarkable SIGN from heaven. We need to think about this scene more carefully!

Given the choice, everyone wants a clean environment for a baby’s birth. Right? Babies are so susceptible during the birthing process, as is the mother. It is an exciting time, but it is also a very nerve-wracking event! Have you been to a stable or barn lately? They are stinky and dusty with a lot of grime, and manure! Can you imagine having to give birth in such a filthy place? This is where the animals eat, and if you think your dog’s dish gets gross, can you imagine the mess a farm animal makes when eating. YET, this is the very place God chose for a sign.

Something else to ponder is the social status of the shepherds who were basically nomadic gypsies who lived in shabby mobile tents. They didn’t have the facilities to bathe as people who lived in a more stable environment would. They were chided and looked down upon in those days. So let’s look at this scene again. God chooses the stable for His Son to be born. He chooses the manger as a bed for this Newborn King. He chooses the shepherds that society doesn’t give a second thought. Yet, this was all by God’s design!

It’s not the way you or I would have done it, is it? Yet God is doing this even now in ways we can’t imagine. He is doing marvelous things that we too often fail to recognize that are actually signs from heaven. A few years back, I wrote a Christmas song called “Born To Die” that I hope to share one day. The manger isn’t how we would have done it at all and neither is the Cross! But God uses the most unlikely things to bring about the greatest and most unimaginable miracles. We must learn to trust God no matter what turns life takes, or how a situation looks like to our natural eyes. He has a plan! Glory to God in the highest indeed!!!

The apostle Paul wrote that God chooses the foolish things of the world to confound the wise. Why didn’t God send the angels to reveal the sign from heaven to the religious leaders? Why didn’t He tell them that His Holy Child had been born and would be found in a manger? Would they have believed their Messiah would be found in an animal’s feeding trough? I think not. Nevertheless, the lowly shepherds did. So let me ask you, could something that is difficult going on in your life, actually be a sign of God’s working?

Blessings to you and a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,

Judy A Bauman

Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 08:03 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email

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