Mission NewsTuesday, April 14 2015
Let’s Reveal The Father’s Love! We have heard for over a year how ISIS (ISIL) has been on the attack against Christians in Syria, Turkey, Iraq and other regions in the Middle East. Our brethren have had to flee to the mountains and have received very little help. If these Christians (many who watched in horror as their children and other family members be tortured and sacrificed in front of them), have been on your heart, we have a ministry contact that is on the ground helping them. Please prayerfully give a donation to help these Christians who are in tribulation and are suffering greatly for their faith. 100% of your gift will be given for the purpose. Dr. Ron Patterson at CDR wrote, “I have returned from the Middle East after seeing firsthand the true face of Islam, and it is evil… Christians and minority Kurds are being slaughtered daily… Not so long ago there were hundreds of thousands of Christians in Iraq. Now Christians are hiding in three locations and they need emergency assistance. Only a very few Christian Relief Organizations are providing aid and they need our help.” Please – help me help them! As the apostle Paul taught, when one part of the body hurts, the whole body hurts and all suffer with it; but if one is honored, all members rejoice. (1 Cor 1:26 paraphrased) Please help me to honor our displaced brethren, and honor the lives of the 21 Christians we saw publicly beheaded by ISIS. Together, let’s help equip the response team there! You may give your tax-deductible donation through PayPal online at www.thefathersloveim.org, or you may send a check or money order to: The Father’s Love Int’l Ministries Please memo the donation “ISIS Refugees” and know that 100% of all funds collected for this effort will be sent to the Disaster Relief fund and used exclusively for this purpose. Thank you so much for your thoughtful consideration. In the Father’s love, |