Jewels From JudyMonday, October 20 2008
An Exhortation From The Father's Heart To Yours: Be Still Be still and know that I Am God. Do not look to the right or the left as I Am the Author and Finisher of your faith. I Am not in the windstorm, the earthquake or the fire. I Am in the quiet and secret place. Your future is in My hands, so do not be dismayed at the terrors of the night. Give heed to your time spent sitting at My feet. Give heed to My commands. Believe and do not doubt. Do not focus your gaze on the enemy at the gate. I Am The Gate! I will open up strategies and the understanding of the strategies as you come and sit at My feet. Come and sit at My feet, Beloved, and believe that I Am and that I Am a Rewarder of those who earnestly seek Me. Scripture References: |