Jewels From JudyThursday, October 24 2019
Jewels from Judy: Awaken to the Revealing Judy A Bauman This morning I felt an urgency to release this encounter now because of the DAY AND HOUR we are IN!!! Awaken to the Revealing is a chapter in my first book, Jewels from the River. “This day marks a new day in the days of creation. Many cry out for My return, but the time is not yet. There is a fullness that must come to My own. They must be awakened. They are sleepy as if drugged – and drugged they are! They are drugged by the media. They are drugged by entertainment. They are hypnotized by the world’s governmental issues. They slumber because their hearts have grown weak from the continual diet of fear fed them. “I Am sending you out in force to roust up the saints of God, My chosen and elect. I Am decreeing this day a mandate to call, call, call, beckon, beckon, beckon the sons of God – both male and female – to awaken to the revealing. Shake them out of their deep sleep and cause them to ARISE! “Give heed to My orders and follow My voice and we will witness the great move you have heard of from old. Creation itself will also be set free from its slavery to corruption into freedom of the glory of the children of God. Cause them to awaken to the groaning that is deep within them for the adoption. Tell them: Your light has come, and the glory of the Lord is seen upon you! Yes, the light will shine brightly through even in the dimmest of lights because of the dark days that are upon them.” The angels exuberantly cheer the Lord and worship Him. The air is electric, and I cannot help but stand and cheer with them in praise to the King of kings! He is glorious and marvelous – excellent in all His ways! Then they individually come and stand in front of Jesus and salute Him. Each salute is unique and speaks of other missions and victories completed with the Lord. The angels show great respect and are full of awe, adoration, dedication and obedience of heart. Jesus hands each angel a scroll which holds their specific assignments and orders. They bow and depart. When they leave, these dedicated ones leave so fast I cannot tell if they fly, run or just disappear. In this multitude one would think this process would take too much time because of the sense of urgency in the Lord’s voice, but then I realize that God is Omnipresent. He is not in a hurry because in Him is the fullness of time! The Beloved turns toward me. All the angels have gone, except for the ones that stand behind me. They each step forward salute Jesus and He hands each of them a scroll. They bow and then return to stand behind me. This shocks me because I didn’t know they were there! But then Jesus turns His gaze toward me and looks me in the eye. Everything else fades away and I feel my knees start to buckle. One of the angels touches my back and it gives me strength to stand. Looking at me Jesus says, “Be excited, dear one! The days you live in are full of promises fulfilled. Many have sought your day and never saw it. Tell My Church to pull their hearts away from their own worldly pursuits that keep them from My table of blessing. They must seek My face and there they will find their daily bread. There they will be sustained. There is where My kingdom will give them life and life more abundantly! Seek first My kingdom and My righteousness and all these things will be added to you.” ~End Vision~ *Roust=to make somebody get up, make a move, or take action, especially abruptly or roughly Scriptures to ponder: Romans 8:14, 18-22; 1 Peter 2:9-10, Ephesians 5:14-17; Isaiah 60:1-2; Hebrews 11:39-40; Matthew 6:33; Mark 4:18-19; Psalm 27:8; Revelation 4:11; 19:16; Matthew 6:11, 19-21, 24; John 10:10; Isaiah 9:6-7; Romans 13:1-7; 1 Peter 2:13-17; Proverbs 3:5-6; 2 Timothy 1:7; Romans 8:37-39; Philippians 4:4-9; Psalm 46 |